
woensdag 15 juni 2011

Feedback and questions are welcome

In my blogspot statistics I've noticed that a lot of people from all around the world have visited my windriem blog this year. I apologize to them for the fact that I've written it in dutch. If anyone has any questions, don't hesitate to mail me at: I'll respond as soon as I can.

My last posts were some visualisations of my final design project in the old fishing port of Seabruges, Belgium. With my design I've tried to give the harbour a surplus value, while respecting it's special identity. Questions and feedback on this project are also very welcome.

I've used the windbelt technology in the building/structure on the water. The purpose of this building is to act as a battery on the floating square. It also welcomes the boats that visit the harbour, and waves leaving boats goodbye.

The implementation of windbelts in this structure was based on the assumption that a windbelt has a 5W power output. This does't seem to be correct, although this value is cited in many articles. A value of 0,5W is more realistic. Therefore the project wouldn't be economically feasible  in real life.

Although my research paper is finished, I think that I'll build a new model of the windbelt next year. Experimenting with it has become some sort of addiction. I believe I'll be able to increase the power output  with the knowledge I've gained so far.

Tekeningen in betere kwaliteit

Ik hoop dat deze tekeningen duidelijker zijn dan de afgedrukte versies. De windverbanden zijn in elk geval beter zichtbaar. In pdf lukte het niet, dus zijn het jpeg's geworden. AA' en BB' zijn aangegeven op de eerste afbeelding uit mijn vorige post.


Gisteren heb ik mijn meesterproef afgegeven. Hieronder volgen een aantal visualisaties van het uiteindelijke ontwerp. In de bijlage zaten enkele tekeningen die normaal op A2 moesten worden afgedrukt. Omdat dit niet lukte werden ze verschaald naar A3. Hierdoor is veel detail verloren gegaan. Daarom zal ik proberen de grotere versie ook op deze blog te zetten.